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La Merveille Verte is a new mystical drama film on the traces of a unique part of Swiss history...


One big theme of our film is absinthe which was invented hundreds of years ago in a small valley in Switzerland. This mystical spirit is not only of big historical importance for Switzerland - absinthe is well-known and loved by the whole world. But if the distillers in Val-de-Travers hadn't fought hard for their (and our) freedom, absinthe might still be prohibited today...

But our film is not only about absinthe! It's a mystical human drama - the heavy fate of a surgeon meets the fate of the green fairy - fiction meets reality.

We're dealing with different levels of reality and asking questions of destiny and coincidence, innocence and guilt... The audience will be drawn into these philosophical questions together with our main character and will experience the history and the home of absinthe.

The film be shot in Zürich and in Val-de-Travers (canton of Neuchâtel). It's very important to us to portray these places in an authentic way and to show the different charms of these two linguistic regions.

This film project strengthens the cultural connection between the linguistic regions and show the cultural and natural diversity of Switzerland.

On our crowdfunding page you will find even more information abour this filmproduction: either click on CROWDFUNDING in the menu above or click HERE.

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